Star Lite International, LLC - GPS Sensors Serving Business, Government, OEM, Education and the General Public since 1994
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Category:  Industrial, Night Vision, Personal and Home Electronics
Subcategory:  Turntables and Cassette Archivers

There are 4 products. Click on the picture to view a product's details and price.

1Classic LP - USB Conversion Turntable for Mac & PCClassic LP - USB Conversion Turntable for Mac & PC

Ion Audio Classic LP
Ion USB Conversion Turntable for MAC and PC

Ion Audio TTUSB05
Ion Audio, play your records on your home stereo, This innovative USB turntable has a convenient USB computer jack enabling you to connect your Mac or PC and transfer your music and

Grace Digital T2USB
Grace Digital Tape to USB records and plays Cassettes, RCA in/out jacks, USB Port, includes Sound editing software for PC or Mac. Burn your favorite cassettes into MP3.

Ion Audio Tape2PC
Ion Audio, a revolutionary tape deck that plays and records tapes, with a twist: it turns your music into MP3s! TAPE 2 PC has a convenient USB connection so you can plug into your Mac or PC.

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