Star Lite International, LLC - GPS Sensors Serving Business, Government, OEM, Education and the General Public since 1994
Your source for GPS, OEM GPS sensors, GPS Engine Boards, GPS Tracking, GPS Antennas, Lidar-Lite, fleet telematics GPS, CB, Amateur and Marine Radios, Radio Scanners, Fish Finders, Night Vision Optics, and much more!

Category:  GPS Navigation, GPS Sensors, OEM, FishFinders, Maps.
Subcategory:  BlueTooth GPS

There are 2 products. Click on the picture to view a product's details and price.
Need a stand alone GPS with Blue Tooth featurs? Select one  by clicking Here!

1BT 821BT 821

USGlobalSat BT821
USGlobalSat high performance, Bluetooth GPS receiver that is WAAS/EGNOS enabled by default and incorporates the 20-channel SiRF III GPS chipset.
2GLO BundleGLO Bundle

Garmin 010-01055-15
Garmin combining GPS / GLONASS receivers, Bluetooth® for precise position information on your iPad, iPhone or Android device. Up to 24 more satellites. Up to 12 hours of battery life. Included USB and Vehicle Power Cables and Free Shipping.No Longer Available.
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