Star Lite International, LLC - GPS Sensors Serving Business, Government, OEM, Education and the General Public since 1994
Your source for GPS, OEM GPS sensors, GPS Engine Boards, GPS Tracking, GPS Antennas, Lidar-Lite, fleet telematics GPS, CB, Amateur and Marine Radios, Radio Scanners, Fish Finders, Night Vision Optics, and much more!

Category:  Communications: CB, Scanners, Marine, FRS/GMRS
Subcategory:  Power Inverters

There are 2 products. Click on the picture to view a product's details and price.
For Power Supplies - Regulated, Click Here!

1CPI  480CPI 480

Cobra CPI480
Cobra inverter converts battery power to 120 V AC household power, allowing you to power up office equipment and household appliances from your vehicle. 400 W continuous 800W surge. It also has a USB output,

Pyramid PS8KX
Pyramid regulated 12V DC, 6 AMP Constant/8 AMP Surge.

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